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"Always have this little hope inside. If you hold true to your hope, your truth, your heart, your faith...whatever that is for you...it will see you through."

-Irena Sophia, Shine Illustrator in an interview with Nancy Belmont.

Oh my friends, what a year it has been. Today I want to check in with you to see if you still feel (or ever felt) your true self

I'm talking about the "you" who is underneath all of those layers of conditioning and protective walls. The you who is a creative force with something unique to offer the world.

Some of us are afraid of this golden nugget that contains our true gifts, so we cover it up with too much work, too much booze, too much media, too much...too much.

Looking Gold Rush GIF by Discovery

If you feel like you've lost (or never really found) your special spark, don't worry. It is in there!

This week, I invite you to shed some of the noise that's covering up your inspired inner voice. 

Take a walk...

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